Product Recommendation Engine

People who also bought X also bought Y... product(s) recommendations for

Tags: spark, python, docker, airflow

By Carlos Huerta on Aug 21 2020


I built a products recommendation engine for the e-commerce website a large hardware store vendor in Honduras. The project was done using spark, mongo, docker and python. First implemented the parallel FP-growth algorithm and then migrated to library.


After core selling features have been tested and implemented every e-commerce should invest on product recommendations, especially if your catalogue consists of thousands of products which can be very difficult to navigate and display to the interested customers. That was the case for whose catalogue contains more than 8,000 products. A recommendations engine can be a useful way to link the interested (but sometimes very busy customer) with the products they are looking for, even if they do not know the specifics of your products. By using data from previous transactions of physical retail stores, we mined and detected association rules that helped display these recommendations in the product page.


The input data (transactions) consists of millions of rows, so preprocessing to get the desired input to minimize computation time was necessary. Additionally building and deploying the infrastructure which can handle this volume of data was not an easy task.


By using docker as a way to test and deploy the necessary infrastructure; we managed to build a platform-independent microservice oriented architecture that was easy to maintain and deploy locally and eventually in a cloud provider. And by choosing spark as our computations engine, we managed to solve for both present and future big-data workloads that agglobal will continue to use for its future projects.


Astounding results were found after model development; the mined association rules managed to infer a lot of relevant recommendations such as: if you are buying a hammer, why not purchase some nails? It also managed to find some not so apparent suggestions like (parts) product replacements. A human making product recommendations by hand would have needed months if not years to go through the entire catalogue and suggest relevant items.

All the code is available at the gh repository Here.

  • Want to try it for yourself? Go to agglobal and try it with the product code 035858 (Warning: Spanish)
  • Interested? Contact me if you would like to implement something similar in your website.

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